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QuickStart Guide - Introduction

URL Ref:         Dept:  WAG-MOD   |   Category: Getting Started   |    Item# QS-1     |    RecID: 27

Homepage Setup
The Homepage Setup feature lets you establish the basic look and feel of the Links on your website.  This HELP explains how to access and use the Homepage Setup feature.

URL Ref:         Dept:  WAG-MOD   |   Category: Getting Started   |    Item# 021009139     |    RecID: 31

Adding mouseover text to a link (link title)
This Help explains how to add "mouseover" text to a hyperlink in a Press Article.

URL Ref:         Dept:  WAG-MOD   |   Category: Links Management   |    Item# 010709219     |    RecID: 17


Quickstart with Web Specialist AssistUsing your Web Specialist for your Site Content Management can be very useful.  The purpose of the Quickstart-Assist system is to provide a support mechanism to Webs-a-gogo clients who purchase a Websagogo WAG-MOD website module.  Specifically, clients who need manpower resource assistance with content management in order to get the website published and ready for public browsing.   And do it all on a budget

URL Ref:        Dept:  WAG-MOD   |   Category: Getting Started   |    Item# QS2-WebSpecAssist     |    RecID: 74

Terms and Definitions
Terms from the QuickStart Guide - Webs-a-gogo Online Training System (OTS).  The terms and definitions list is a group of terms commonly used at Webs-a-gogo and, on the world wide web. Knowing these terms will help you on your journey! You do not need to memorize the terms on the list, just read through the terms and definitions to become familiar with them.

URL Ref:         Dept:  WAG-MOD   |   Category: Getting Started   |    Item# 1214091656     |    RecID: 80